Our company strategy is based on the specialization of Globaltrans as a service provider in the international delivery and logistics sector. Our core activities are in the areas of air and sea freight and related services. Our objective of developing individual and optimum transport solutions for our customers is primarily achieved with the cooperation of our motivated and qualified employees. The creation of a optimum working environment and the constant training and further development of our employees are, for us, the most important instruments for achieving customer satisfaction.
Equipped with the latest information technology, our logistics experts can concentrate fully on your individual service requirements. We consider transparency, good communication, and the ability to make quick decisions to be competitive advantages that we apply in the interests of our customers. With the creation of global networks and in permanent dialog with air transport companies, shipping companies and other transport providers, we are able to create attractive purchasing options. In this way, together with absolute service availability, we are able to maintain and develop our independent position in the worldwide logistics market.